19 June 2012

Another Day, Another Exam..

Am I just ever so slightly jealous of my friends who have finished their exams? Yes yes yes! Yesterday I had two; today I had a three hour session. I kick-started my week the way we all like to: with a human geography paper. Before I'd left the house I was scrabbling around, tearing notes out of folders and exercise books: confident I was not. Geography exams are exceptional in the amount of statistics and case studies that require learning, but luckily for me, the paper mostly asked questions on subjects that I was more confident on. By the time the one and a half hours were up, I was feeling considerably better than before the exam.

Having a good hour and a half to kill, a few of us nipped down to a local deli for some early lunch before exam number two, German listening. At the time I thought I was pretty relaxed about German, although on hindsight, I think my fidgeting and pacing around the deli suggested otherwise....
We wandered back, bumping into my languages tutor en route, and got back in good time for the exam. We needed of bothered though; three people were late -two of them not turning up at all -and so we had to start a national exam over twenty minutes late. Fun fun fun.
HOWEVER the sun was shining as I walked back, so lets just hope it can hold on up there for a few more weeks.....

My three hour session today was for product design/design technology, which has got to be one of the weirdest exam. Timed sessions to 'chat' -all right, discuss -and permission to get up and wander. And I'm doing it all again tomorrow... roll on Friday!

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